Friday, March 4, 2011

Magnus is home!!

He's here!  He's here!!  And oh-so-sweet!!  He's learning very fast too!  He didn't want to do anything but be with me for about the first hour (understandable) but as I started to ache & realize I can't sit on the floor with him all night, I put down an old blanket for him and made him take his first (short) nap on that without me sitting right there.  Now, 4 hours later, he thinks that's HIS spot.  I can get up, go upstairs or into the kitchen, and he sits right on that blanket instead of following me everywhere.  I'm finding, without his dog family, he really doesn't know how to play.  He's already learning that though too.  He loves his 'bobo' (long dog toy) and we played for about half an hour with his new "stinky' (flat skunk toy without stuffing inside).  He ate & got several drinks of water from his new dog bowls and has been outside twice where he has peed twice and pooped once (no accidents in the house so far!)!!

The cats are not pleased, but oddly enough both Twinkers & Elina have at least ventured downstairs to see him.  Twink even got close to him when he was sleeping and sniffed him!  Then, of course, hissed and ran off!  Elina is sizing him up from a safe distance.  Galahad refuses to come downstairs.

Happy finding for me...medical-wise anyhow....I had posted before that I thought he was a cryptorchid (only one testicle descended)....once I got him home and he was not jumping all over the place.....there are 2 'boy parts' there!!  Yea!!  This is good news, because when it's time to neuter him, it means much less time under anesthesia  - and with a white boxer, anesthesia is always a concern!!

So, as things is wonderful at our house, all going well so far.  I'm way optimistic...but I know the next few weeks will be a learning curve for all of us!  But, seriously - with a face THAT stinkin' will be a  labor of love!!!

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