Monday, March 7, 2011

Receptionist saga...

After many, many applicants (some bordering on the ridiculous), Dr. Anne held interviews last week.  4 of them to be exact.  One was pretty good, the second had no experience and had to arrange a ride just to come to the interview (seriously?  she's a NO), the third was qualified but wanted more hours & more pay (the ad specifically stated that it's a part time position!), and #4....well experienced, nice, funny (funny is a big thing in our office), talked a blue streak (but we're hoping that was just nervous energy).  We have tentatively hired #4.  She starts on Wednesday.  I am SO hoping she's the right person for the job as I am starting to burn out working 6 days a week!!! 

On an odd note, just as Dr. Anne decided on this applicant, our old receptionist finally got in touch with Dr. Anne.  Told her that she needs the dog food she paid for and said that she "bent down" to make the call to Dr. Anne!!!  Really???!!  She stooped to make the call???   After she walked out and didn't even have the courtesy to tell her boss that she quit???  Apparently, then she got all weepy on the phone with my boss, and told her "oh, there's so much stuff I should tell you , but I just won't"!  At which point, Dr. Anne told her...just say it!!  "oh no...I just shouldn't"   Really Lucy - spill!  Because I'm sure it's about me....I have nothing to hide and I've done nothing wrong!!!  The witch will be coming in on Wednesday after we close at noon to come get her stuff.  I can't wait to see how this plays out!!!

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