Monday, February 28, 2011

I must be crazy....but look how cute!!!

This is the boxer puppy I am going to go look at on Wednesday!!!  Yes, I was hoping to wait until it was a bit nicer weather....but white boxers are few and far between.  Came across this one...and I CANNOT help myself - love the brindle ears!!  His momma is a full white boxer and daddy is a gorgeous brindle boxer!  I'm going to go check him out on Wed. after I get off work...and taking my stethoscope with me....white boxers can have issues such as deafness, blindness, and heart murmurs.  So I will check him out fully...told the people that I will not buy him on the spot....if he checks out ok, will be looking at Friday to buy & bring him home.  Grace is uber-excited  and bummed that she goes to her dad's on Friday....but I think having him home with me alone for the weekend might be a good idea anyways.  He's just now 8 weeks and I don't want to over-stress him.  Anyhow...hoping this all goes well - wish us luck!!!

Friday, February 25, 2011


Have been thinking lately I may need to "fire" a friend.  Have you ever had to do this?  This has just been making me nuts for a while now.  I have this old friend and we used to stay in touch all the time.  Now (the past couple years), the only time I hear from him is when he needs something.  Now, every phone call, every email starts with..."Hey, I need a favor..."  I don't mind helping, but I don't like feeling used either.  If he does ask about Grace or I, it always seems to be an afterthought.  I can't remember the last phone call or email that was just about how Grace & I are, and catching up.  I don't like being used.  I think the next "favor" that comes's time for me to say no. 

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Bring on the crazies...

Oh wow!  I knew this week would be interesting to see who applied for the job that was listed in the paper...but I apparently underestimated!!!   We have had applications that completely baffle me!!  One was from an older woman (well into her 60's) that was a clerk at a church for a bazillion years (no veterinary experience whatsoever), 3 or 4 from techs or vet tech students (not the position open -I'm the tech, not going anywhere!), one from a woman who uses a walker to get around (this one kills me, because she called first to see what the job entailed....and when Dr. Anne told her it includes animal restraint both on the table and on the floor-she still applied!), several  from restaurant waitresses, and one from a mentally challenged girl who had to have her friend help her fill out the application!  Oh- and many who think this is simply a clerical position....."I can type 50 words a minute and handle a 4 line phone".!  I think we need to run another ad.....something along the lines of......"Veterinary receptionist/assistant needed - not a clerical position...veterinary experience a must."!!!!!  Just my 2 cents!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

"I just LOVE animals...."

This coming week at work should be interesting.  Apparently the ad went in the paper that we are looking for a receptionist.  We already had one phone call on Friday - someone asking about the hours (even though Dr. Anne purposely left the phone # out of the ad, they are to come in & apply in person so we can see how they present themselves - people look in the yellow pages, find the address & call).  We are going to get every Yahoo from Toledo & Michigan applying for this job.  Forget the fact that the ad clearly states "Experience preferred" - we're going to get every mental midget who's ever owned a cat/dog/bird/fish/hamster/sea-monkey coming in to fill out an application.  And their qualifications???  I can tell you this without seeing a single application - - "I LOVE animals!"  Great. That doesn't qualify you for jack-squat.  I can already see, this is going to be a tedious process.  I suppose I shouldn't complain  - it's still better than having the old witch there.  And, on the up-side....Dr. Anne & I will get plenty of giggles critiquing the applications!! 

Saturday, February 5, 2011


I'm quite tickled.  OK - this might seem dumb (but I warned you when I started this blog that I might sometimes talk about stupid nothings) but I have been trying to grow my hair out longer.  Well, tonight I was tired of it being in my face and tried to put it back in a ponytail.  I have achieved ponytail!!  And not too bad either....I probably have 2 inches in the "tail" after pulling it all back & up!!  If it wasn't so stinkin' cold outside, I'd wear it to work this way on Monday!!  Keep the puppies from chewing on it!  C'mon spring!!!!

Thursday, February 3, 2011


So Grace comes downstairs last night and asks me what 'repopulation' means.  I give her the Noah story...and after the flood, his descendants repopulate the earth.  I get a blank look.  So, I try to simplify it for her.....I say "Let's say we had a fish tank with 20 fish in it and they get a sickness and all but 2 die.  Then we go to the pet store and buy more fish.....we have repopulated the tank."  Now she asks me if by having her, I repopulated.  I say "no- it's not just one person having a's more than that...on a bigger scale".  She comes back with "Well, Dr. Anne (my boss) and Joe (her husband) had 3 kids....did they repopulate??
I almost peed my pants laughing!!!