Thursday, February 3, 2011


So Grace comes downstairs last night and asks me what 'repopulation' means.  I give her the Noah story...and after the flood, his descendants repopulate the earth.  I get a blank look.  So, I try to simplify it for her.....I say "Let's say we had a fish tank with 20 fish in it and they get a sickness and all but 2 die.  Then we go to the pet store and buy more fish.....we have repopulated the tank."  Now she asks me if by having her, I repopulated.  I say "no- it's not just one person having a's more than that...on a bigger scale".  She comes back with "Well, Dr. Anne (my boss) and Joe (her husband) had 3 kids....did they repopulate??
I almost peed my pants laughing!!!

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