Saturday, February 12, 2011

"I just LOVE animals...."

This coming week at work should be interesting.  Apparently the ad went in the paper that we are looking for a receptionist.  We already had one phone call on Friday - someone asking about the hours (even though Dr. Anne purposely left the phone # out of the ad, they are to come in & apply in person so we can see how they present themselves - people look in the yellow pages, find the address & call).  We are going to get every Yahoo from Toledo & Michigan applying for this job.  Forget the fact that the ad clearly states "Experience preferred" - we're going to get every mental midget who's ever owned a cat/dog/bird/fish/hamster/sea-monkey coming in to fill out an application.  And their qualifications???  I can tell you this without seeing a single application - - "I LOVE animals!"  Great. That doesn't qualify you for jack-squat.  I can already see, this is going to be a tedious process.  I suppose I shouldn't complain  - it's still better than having the old witch there.  And, on the up-side....Dr. Anne & I will get plenty of giggles critiquing the applications!! 

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