Friday, January 28, 2011

Challenger - 25 years today - where were you?

Today marks 25 years since the space shuttle Challenger exploded.  Do you remember where you were or what you were doing?

I was a senior in high school.  I was in senior study hall and they'd brought in a tv for us to watch the lift-off.  I think most of our high school was watching that day as it was the first teacher to go into space.  We watched lift-off and then came the smoke.  I don't know that any of us realized what had happened until the news person announced that the shuttle had exploded.  As I sat there, stunned and speechless, I noticed how absolutely silent our entire school was.  After that, I just remember hearing crying, from everywhere and everyone in the school, including myself. 

Please share your stories about where you were and what you remember.  God bless those members of the shuttle and their families - they are not forgotten.

1 comment:

  1. I was in 5th grade social studies. My teacher was one of the finalists - but didn't get chosen to go on the mission. We were sitting with her as she talked about the mission, the astronauts, and what the experience must be like. They has wheeled in a tv to our room as well -- and I honestly don't remember much after watching the lift-off and the smoke. I do remember her crying... but I think we were too young to really grasp what had happened.
