Thursday, January 13, 2011

Getting a boxer - harder than I'd thought...

Well, when the woman with the 4 month old didn't get back to us - I went looking again.  We found one who looked to be about a year old and cute as all get out.  Sadly, he had already found a home by the time I sent his owners an email.  So- we're still looking.  Found one pup who will be ready by Valentine's day....but if we're going to do baby dog, I'd really rather wait until the weather warms up.  I have no problem housebreaking a pup - but I SO don't want to do it in 4 degree weather, considering with a tiny one I'm looking at getting up once during the middle of the night!  So, perhaps my original idea of waiting until spring might be the best way to go after all.  But, the feelers are out and the search is on!!

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