Friday, January 7, 2011

Grace is at her dad's..

Wow, I'm such a mom!  Every other Friday I take Grace to her dad's house to spend the weekend.  Once I get home, I feel like - "yes, I have a little time to myself"!  But within a few hours, I find myself listening for her, want to go check on her...have to remind myself that she's not here.  By bedtime, I'm wishing she was here - just so I know where she is and that she's okay!  And, I know she's safe at her dad's.....I'd just feel better if she was here!  And I miss her- even though she's only been gone a few hours!! 

1 comment:

  1. And on those weekends when Grace is with her Dad... I'll gladly let you take one or two of mine to fill the gap. :-) I can think of a million and one things that would be so easy to do without chasing kids in between tasks! :) (Most of these things are menial tasks that should have been done ages ago -- clean out boxes of old crud, organize photos, put away the piles of stuff that accumulates when you're not looking....)
