Monday, January 17, 2011

Not quite the lottery - but close!

I have had the worst/ best day ever (or at least the best one in several years)!!  Our receptionist quit today.  That may sound like a bad thing, but to those of you who know me and have listened to my complaints over the past couple years, it's a prayer that's been answered!  I won't get into all the sordid details, but suffice it to say, we got into it this morning and she threw the appointment book at me (and hit me), told me that she quit, and left the office.  Now, granted, she didn't tell the doctor (my boss) that she quit - but she did leave.  So, I wasn't quite sure if this was the end or not.  Have worried all day that she may call my boss, apologize and want to come back.  But just spoke with my boss, and it's over, done, she's history!!  I feel like a huge weight has just been lifted off my shoulders!  About 95% of my stress level went down today as she walked out the door!  And now that I know she won't be able to talk her way back in.....seriously, did someone just lift an anvil off of my head?!  I have always loved the hospital I work in, and I have such a good working (and personal) relationship with my boss - but today/tonight, everything just got SO much better!!   Now I can put my full attention into my job and into making the doctor's job easier instead of wasting time cleaning up messes, fixing mistakes, and putting out fires!  Not quite like winning the lottery - but I feel just as happy!!!  For the first time in several years - - I can't wait to go to work tomorrow!!!  It's a happy place for me now!

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